This is the EOD price data of listed equity securities on trading days, restructured into a format that is convenient to utilize. By the most intuitive understanding of stock price trends, it can be utilized for investment portfolio rebalancing and risk management.
• Daily EOD price Information: Collects and provides daily EOD price data for specific stocks. • Includes Trading Volume and Volatility: Provides daily trading volume and volatility alongside EOD price to support stock performance analysis. • Includes Historical Data: Offers historical EOD data for long-term trend analysis.
• Market Trend Analysis: Allows for an understanding of overall market trends through daily EOD price changes. • Portfolio Management Support: Supports portfolio rebalancing and risk management based on daily price fluctuations. • Ease of Technical Analysis: Facilitates analysis by enabling the calculation of moving averages and other technical indicators through daily EOD prices.
The data provided by Waiker is intended solely as reference material for your investment decisions. It does not constitute investment advice, solicitation, or stock recommendations
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